New doesn't have to mean scary!

Fear of the unknown can be a real thing. So let's walk you through the process as a new patient so you know exactly what to expect.

what to expect as a patient at revive:

Initial Paperwork: When you first arrive at our office, our friendly staff will get you started on your initial paperwork. It easily can be completed within just a few minutes at the office or is also available via email for your convenience. Dr. Rossi will thoroughly review your information prior to beginning your assessment.

Consultation: Dr. Rossi will invite you into his office to sit down, review your history, discuss your needs, and determine if you are a candidate for NUCCA care.

Exam: We always conduct a thorough orthopedic and neurologic examination, to ensure that we fully understand the full scope of your needs and make sure nothing is missed.

X-rays: It is necessary for a series of spinal x-rays to be taken. They help Dr. Rossi calculate the precise misalignment of your spine. During your visit, Dr. Rossi will study, analyze, and compile your information in your presence, while explaining to you his findings in an easy-to understand manner.

Please Note: We welcome any and all questions! Here at Revive, we firmly believe that you are in the driver's seat of your health journey and therefore it is vital that you have a comprehensive understanding of what we are doing and why we are doing it. Never hesitate to bring us your questions. 

Your First NUCCA Adjustment: During the adjustment there is NO twisting, cracking, or popping of your spine. All adjustments are done by hand, in which you will feel very light pressure. This light pressure is applied in a very specific direction to move your spinal structures back into their proper position. To learn more about our technique, CLICK HERE!

Post X-ray: Post x-rays are taken immediately following your first spinal adjustment to ensure a complete correction of your misalignment.

Your first visit will take approximately 2 hours to complete.

First Follow-up Visit: We understand that at your first visit there is a lot of information being presented to you. It can feel a bit overwhelming at times. Don't worry we have set aside extra time at your first followup appointment.

This is your only other visit where we schedule an extended time with you. During this appointment, Dr. Rossi will review his Report of Findings with you. He will also compare your misalignment and dysfunction from your first visit with how well you retained your first adjustment at this visit.

From there, he will go over your specific road map for individualized care moving forward. Together, we will work hand-in-hand to help you reach your goals!

For This Appointment: We ask that between your first visit and this one, you keep a list of any questions or concerns to bring in on your second visit. All of these will be addressed during this visit. This is where true patient education occurs. You are in the driver’s seat of your health journey!

Your second visit will take approximately 30 min to complete.

Now that you have your roadmap, this is where we do the work to get you from where you are to where you need and want to be.

Consistent visits and following care recommendations will help retrain your spine. This retraining process will help your body to stabilize and create a more permanent change. You'll walk out of each visit with better function and one step closer to your health goals!

Your followup visits will take approximately 10 min to complete.

"Rossi is a great professional chiropractor who is very forthright about each of his patients individual circumstances."

- William

start your healing journey today!

At Revive, we take a patient-centered approach to care, which means that you are in the driver seat as we work together to cultivate whole-body healing and create a holistic lifestyle, tailored specifically to you.


Forget copays & surprise bills. At Revive, we are transparent about your adjustment and imaging costs up front so you and your doctor (not your insurance company) can decide what’s best for your care.


We know that your time is valuable and we don’t believe in making you wait. All appointments at Revive are scheduled with care so that you can have your needs heard and met with little to no wait time and same or next-day appointments.


What We Offer

"They’re very transparent and genuine in their approach to wellness."



Whole-body healing, tailor designed for you by our team -  a way for you to learn a new way of living with good habits. We help you create a  sustainable change for good.

Of course we want you to experience relief, but more importantly, we want to get to the root of what caused your pain or dysfunction so you don’t have to experience it again.

From palpation, orthopedic tests, neurologic tests, muscle tests, and nutritional tests, we provide a full range of diagnostic testing. This ensures that we can can get to the root of your problem.

We don’t guess with your health. Detailed x-rays are necessary to give us the precise degree of your misalignment so that we can accurately correct it. 





let's work together

Let’s start you with a free consultation with your new doctor to make sure Revive is right for you. You have nothing to lose!


healing happens here

"Within 3 weeks I was running again and am completely off my pain meds."

got his back back


"Get to Revive if you want to get off the pharmaceuticals and heal your body the right way!"


embraced a holistic approach

"I'm not sure what kind of magic Dr. Rossi worked on me, but for the first time in years, I didn't have to worry about taking my migraine medicine with me every time I left the house."

said goodbye to migraines


Yes, It Really Works

let's work together

At Revive Chiropracatic, we take a patient-centered approach to care, which means that you are in the driver's seat as we work together to cultivate whole-body healing and create a holistic lifestyle, tailored specifically to you.

did we just become best friends?